

“How many days will I be in the clinic for and how long does my smile makeover take to make?” are just some of the frequently asked questions we are asked. So we thought we would give you some insight into what to expect when you are having your sevil smile makeover with us at Sevil Smile Studio. So, grab yourself a cuppa and let’s get started… On the day you fly out to us you will receive a text message via WHATSAPP with details of your first appointment with us here at the clinic, this is typically for the following day. Your first appointment will be your longest one, which will take about half a day so we ask you to arrive already having eaten and brought along something to read, oh and don’t forget your passport!


“How many days will I be in the clinic for and how long does my smile makeover take to make?” are just some of the frequently asked questions we are asked. So we thought we would give you some insight into what to expect when you are having your sevil smile makeover with us at Sevil Smile Studio. So, grab yourself a cuppa and let’s get started… On the day you fly out to us you will receive a text message via WHATSAPP with details of your first appointment with us here at the clinic, this is typically for the following day. Your first appointment will be your longest one, which will take about half a day so we ask you to arrive already having eaten and brought along something to read, oh and don’t forget your passport!DURING YOUR FIRST VISIT TO THE CLINICWhen you arrive at our CLINIC sevil smile, you will be welcomed by one of our reception staff who will take your name, and ask you to fill out some forms while scanning your passport. Our friendly dental nurses will then take you for your OPG full mouth X-ray and 3D X-ray if needed. You will then be directed to our clinic coffee bar until you are called in for your dental consultation; for any of you who feel nervous, we recommend a cup of sugary tea to help take the edge off. Both of our clinics also have WiFi, so you can check yourself in and keep your Insta stories updated. Don’t forget to tag us on our “SevilSmileStudio” INSTAGRAM PROFILE! During your consultation, your dentist will discuss your oral health from your X-ray; and it may highlight if any extra treatments are needed that we wouldn’t have been able to tell prior to the X-ray. As you can appreciate, we can advise a more detailed plan from an X-ray from observing your mouth in person over the initial photos consultation that you sent. Together with your dentist, you will agree on your DENTAL TREATMENT PLAN and smile makeover design. Once you are happy and all is agreed upon, both you and your dentist will sign your consent treatment form. Now, this is where the fun part starts, making your SMILE TRANSFORMATION!


We like to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible during this process, that’s why each of our dental clinics has comfy dental chairs with built-in screens so you can pop on your favourite playlist, TV show or movie to help pass the time and feel more at ease… make yourself at home. It takes around 2 hours for your teeth to be filed down, which will be 1mm for LAMINATE VENEERS and 2mm for full veneers/crowns, to allow for your new veneers/crowns to slide on top and be no bigger than the size of your original teeth. Although in some circumstances, for example, if you had small or grinded down teeth, to begin with, then we would make your new smile design bigger to fit your correct bite. Please don’t worry about this part of the procedure, we’ll give you a local anaesthetic administered through a fine needle, it won’t feel more than a tiny nip, like an insect bite! Once your teeth have been filed down, we will take photos and impression moulds of your teeth and bite, and send them off to our laboratory for your new smile to be made. We will then direct you back to the coffee bar and waiting area, where we will kindly ask you to wait for a further 1 to 2 hours; while your temporary set is being made. Your temporary teeth are made quickly, so don’t panic; they will look nothing like your end result smile design; they are just for you to use temporarily until your new teeth are ready. Once your temporaries are fitted, you can go rest and enjoy your holiday. We will next need you back in the clinic in two days time. Our reception team will be in touch with a message via WhatsApp with your next appointment time.


Again you will be welcomed by our reception staff. During this visit, you will have a trial fit of your new teeth. The dentist will remove your temporary teeth and place your new veneers/crowns on top of your own teeth. It’s usual for more than one dentist to be present during your trial fit session and they will place and remove your new veneers/crowns several times to fully assess and check it’s a perfect fit During your trial fit, we must make sure your bite is correct with your NEW SMILE. Therefore we are unable to give you anaesthetic during this process, as this will loosen your jaw and relax your bite, so you may feel a bit of discomfort and sensitivity, but it will not last long and, we can give you effective pain relief medication afterwards. Once our dental team are happy with the fit, this is where you will inspect them yourself, take photos, video call loved ones for opinions etc. If you wish to change the shade or make any adjustments to your teeth, this is your last opportunity to do so. Once you are happy and have notified us of any changes you wish to make to your veneers/crowns and the dental team has agreed that these changes can be made, your teeth will be sent back to our laboratory to finish and polish. Your temporary teeth will be fitted back in where you will be free to carry on enjoying your holiday. We will invite you back to the clinic the following day or the day after for your fitting appointment.


You guessed it, we will be greeted by our friendly team and again directed to our coffee bar. Our dental team will then call you in for your teeth to be fitted. Your temporary teeth will be removed and your new veneers/crowns which have now been sterilised and polished will be fitted permanently. In order to prevent any sense of pain, we will administer anaesthetic again like in your first appointment. Before we place your veneers/crowns in with adhesive, we will do the last trial fit with final checks. When both you and the dentist are happy then your new smile will be fixed in place. We place your veneers/crowns in one by one using a dental cement glue and composite mix, using the latest technology dental equipment. Our dental team need to be thorough and this will take a few hours, but don’t worry we will make sure our state of the art dental chairs has your favourite playlist on at the ready to help you feel as relaxed as possible. Your new Sevil smile make-over is ready to be admired by all! Watch the likes on your Insta stories roll in! Once you have taken it all in, it’s just a short 10 – 20 min wait while we check your bite, then you are free to go and celebrate your new smile makeover and enjoy the rest of your holiday!



This could either be the same day as your second visit or the following day. We will message you again via WhatsApp to come down to the clinic for your final check-up. We will be taking your completed smile photos, so be ‘Photoshoot Ready,’ especially if you have consented to us putting your photos on our Instagram and website. We will take a final X-ray and a short assessment will be carried out by your dentist. Once the final ‘Ok’ has been given, we will provide you with an aftercare package containing information on how to look after your new Sevil Smile makeover and how to contact us should you need any assistance or have questions once you have returned home. Sevil and the team will say a heartfelt and final goodbye after sharing in your smile transformation journey over the past week. We will wish you the best of luck and to keep smiling happy, always!


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